Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I woke up this morning excited. Yes there will be food to eat and games on TV to watch but I am excited and thankful that I woke up knowing my day would be spent with my family.  When we get together this afternoon, there will be 24 of us enjoying our "Turkey Vetoed" dinner.  This band of people are not all blood relatives but we love one another as if we were.  We have lived and grown together and I am so thankful that each of them is in my life.

Yes, the turkey was vetoed for Thanksgiving this year.  The biggest reason is that with the festivities next month there will be 4 turkeys on the menu. We didn't want to overdo the bird so we chose to have Italian food.  We'll chow down and fill our tummies with homemade spaghetti and  meat  sauce, lasagna, anti-pasta salad, a giant green salad and homemade baked cheesecake!!! My stomach has already begun to growl!

I am thankful, as always, to be living in this great country, the United States of America.  I am thankful for the liberties and freedoms we have here and for the men women who lived, died and gave so that we have what we do.  As an American I will continue to be thankful for this country and the opportunities I have here, every day and I will continue to put my heart into growing my business to contribute to my local and national economy.

The work continues in the SweetSavours studio as final preparations are made for this Saturday.  At 11:30am the doors will open at 1295 S. San Vincente Ct. in Chandler, AZ for an open house to celebrate a great day, national Small Business Saturday.  This is the day to remember the small businesses that our country has grown upon and celebrate the small businesses that still contribute to both the local and national economies.  I'm looking forward to seeing people get out and "ShopSmall" with us.

My friend, Kim, and I will co-host our event on Saturday.  Kim Cordts is an Independent Designer with Origami Owl Custom Jewelry.  Kim will make her Jewelry Bar available so that you can see the unique designs of lockets, necklaces and other jewelry pieces of the Origami Owl line.  From the SweetSavours line, you will see what's been made in the studio.  I have completed the CoCo and the Red Tea SkinSavours body care sets, the Mango!Mango! and Peaceful LipSavours sets and the FootSavours foot care set.  There will be samples available for people to try before they buy.  Kim and I will also have a few munchies to nibble while you shop.

Again, I am thankful for the opportunities that abound day by day.  I'm looking forward to a great holiday season and I will keep you posted about how things are going and what's brewing in the studio.  I sure do hope you have a very happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

Savours to you!


Monday, November 24, 2014

The Wonderful Rooibos (Red) Tea SkinSavours Are Ready!

Hiya and Happy Monday!

This is the last week of production and other busy work at SweetSavours!  I am happy to say that despite a few distractions, I am on track to have things rock this weekend for Small Business Saturday.  I do want to tell you about what's been savouring in the studio.

Last week I shared about the first lotion I made and how it helped to heal my skin.  A lot like feeding our bodies when we get sick and eating chicken noodle soup, along with healing, I needed my skin to be hydrated and nourished.  This is where the next set of products began to be formulated.  There is one ingredient in this set, Red Tea SkinSavours, that is an oddity.

During my recovery of the Valley Fever issue, Rooibos (Red) tea was one thing I was encouraged by my doctor to drink.  Some of the reported benefits of Red Tea are that it is known to contain powerful antioxidants, improve blood circulation, relieves stomach and digestive issues and improves severe skin conditions.  I loved all the benefits this tea could give me when I drank it, especially how it could help my skin. My "mad scientist" alter ego began to think of what Red Tea could do if I put it on my skin. Yes, I love my CoCo SkinSavours and like a mom with more than one child, I can't say I love one product more than another, but.....................

I looked for ingredients that would nourish and hydrate my skin.  The core ingredients of Red Tea SkinSavours are Rice Bran oil, Sunflower Seed oil, Shea butter and Cupuacu butter.  The list of benefits and properties of these ingredients is long but those most appropriate to mention are that they are super moisturizing, extremely nourishing, are vitamin rich, high in all Omega vitamins, and are known to not only regenerate healthy skin cells but also help prevent skin cell degeneration. WOW!!!

My biggest pet peeve is a greasy product.  There is a misconception that with good, rich ingredients you'll have a good greasy product.  My goal was to put this misconception to sleep and I did.  The lotion and the crème I formulated are rich but are both easily absorbed into your skin and are not slick and greasy at all. 

The Red Tea Latte crème's most unique ingredient is the Goat's Milk powder, and what a treat it is.  Did you know that Goat's Milk is an awesome natural moisturizer?  It is high in protein, contains vitamins E, B6 and B12, and works to hydrate and nourish skin.  Imagine a rich, creamy crème, with a warm amber fragrance that leaves your skin cuddly soft. This is the savour of Red Tea Latte.

Red Tea Latte has a companion is this line of products, the Luxuri Shea Blush lotion.  Shea butter and Sunflower Seed oil are the key ingredients that give skin super moisturization, conditioning and smoothing.  The deep red color of the Rooibos Tea gives this Luxuri it's awesome "blush."  The savour of Shea Blush is a delightful mixture of light white tea, soft apricot and spicy ginger, with that warming comfort of amber.  This is a Luxuri you will savour!

The body is covered and now it's time for me to work the savours for hands and feet.  I will share what's being done with these savours in the next blog.  In the meantime, consider what you can do to support you local communities this week.  Small Business Saturday in one day of the year where special attention is given to the small, mom and pop shops that have been what our great country was built upon.  Will you "ShopSmall" this Saturday?

If you are in the Chandler, AZ area, you can "ShopSmall."  Join us at 1295 S. San Vincente Ct., Chandler, 85286 between 11:30am and 3pm.  You can see the savours I've been bloggin' about and also the unique jewelry available from Origami Owl Jewelry Bar.  It will be a great day and a treat for me to see you!

I hope you have a great week of being Thankful, eating well and supporting your local community.

Savours to you,


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Looking Back and Very Thankful!


I didn't really think things would slow down for me with November 29th and Small Business Saturday right around the corner and they haven't at all. Savour making is in full swing and good things are flowing in my home studio. Last night I sat and labeled tubes of lip balm.  As I labeled I also thought about all I have to be thankful for. My mind was really focused on what I'm thankful for with my business and so I'll share.

I am thankful that in addition to finding a way to help myself, I've also found a way to help others naturally address their skin care concerns.  Learning about the ingredients and what is available naturally, from our planet, blew my mind.  Making natural body care products opened the door to the opportunity of me having a business.  I'm thankful for that.  SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary is that, "sweet" and good things have come from it.  I am thankful for the people I've met and so many I now call friends.  It takes a lot for a person to open up to someone and talk about their skin care problems.  When I hear a person's need, it touches my heart and that person is no longer just someone who is giving me money for a bottle of lotion. 

I've become close with many of the people who by my products and I am so thankful for them supporting my business.  I am very thankful that support has been displayed BIG with contributions that have been made to the SweetSavours crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo (  Some of the contributions that were made were given to endorse a particular product in the SweetSavours body care line of products.  I have to give a HUGE thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Jim Birchard, "Sir Jim" and "BB!"  They were the first contributors and are the official supporters of the CoCo SkinSavours line of SweetSavours products!  THANK YOU "SIR JIM" AND "BB"!!!!!     

CoCo SkinSavours are the first line of products I ever made.  While I was recovering from Valley Fever, skin care became one of my priorities.  Medication didn't help with healing my skin so I researched for natural ingredients that might help.  My skin made a dramatic turn around with my almost obsessive use of Coconut oil.  I will say, "No, I am not a doctor and I don't play one on TV."  Most ingredients aren't even labeled by the government as having been proven to do one thing or another.  With that, when I check for the properties or benefits of an ingredient, I find that they are "known to" do one thing or another.  This is what I look for in researching the ingredients I use.  Since I began to make body care products, I've continued to research and with what I've learned, I've updated my products' formulas. 

Updating CoCo SkinSavours was exciting! This line includes the CocoSilk body lotion which is a rich, non greasy combination of Extra Virgin Coconut oil, Camellia oil and Mango butter.  The CoCo body crème is a more rich and still not greasy skin care cream made with Coconut Milk.  Then there is the Cocoa Co Butta.  This butter, is only natural oils and butters, no water at all. In addition to helping my aunts extremely dry skin, stay smooth and hydrated, she also uses this "Butta" in her hair.  Cocoa Butter and Coconut oil are known to be strengthening agents for the hair.  The ingredients in the CoCo SkinSavours line of products are known to heal and hydrate damaged, dry skin.  Other attributes are that these ingredients are vitamin rich and help keep skin soft and smooth. 

One trend in the body care industry has been the use of botanical extracts.  Think of an extract kind of like the vanilla used for baking a cake.  It is where the vanilla flavor is pulled from the vanilla bean.  In the body care industry botanical or herbal extracts are prepared by using alcohol or glycerin to pull the flowers', fruits' or herbs' active components from it. In the Coco SkinSavours line, some of the botanical extracts I used are Aloe, Comfrey and Bamboo.  These have benefits that are known to heal skin tissue, stimulate healthy new skin cells and help strengthen skin's elasticity.

As I said, this is just an update of the savours that I'm making. You have a great opportunity to come and sample, and then buy the "Savours" of your choice.  On Saturday, November 29, 2014, SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary will celebrate national Small Business Saturday.  This is the day when we all can "ShopSmall," remember the roots our country has grown from and recognize the small businesses that still have a true and dynamic impact in our local communities.

SweetSavours will co-host a Small Business Saturday Open House with Origami Owl Jewelry Bar.  My friend, Kim Cordts has begun her jewelry business and is excited to show what it available.  The doors will open at 11:30am at 1295 S. San Vincente Ct. in Chandler, AZ, 85286.  This will be a great time to do a little holiday shopping and the doors will be open until 3pm.  If you'd like to preview before you join us, take a look at SweetSavours on Etsy at on Friday, November 28, 2014.  You can also take a look at what Kim will have available at Origami Owl Jewelry at  I'm looking forward to see those of you who can join us.  If you can't don't hesitate to place an order.  

As always, thanks for bloggin by!  I have you have a very "sweet" day!

Friday, November 14, 2014

It's been a while!


I can barely believe it's been two weeks since I last wrote a post! I got so busy and yesterday I realized I had gotten busy being busy.  I was doing a lot of different things but not really getting much accomplished, or at least not all of what I wanted to accomplish. I decided it was time to stop, take a breath and reorganize.  In that moment of clarity I thought to take a look at what's been going on and give you an update on things.

Back on October 22, I began the SweetSavours crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo.  I have been thankful for the contributions I received.  I can't really put into words the degree of thankfulness I have for the people who have shown love and support of me and my business.  Very specifically, I thank Jim & Linda Birchard, Becki & Ben Encinas, Margaret Hansche, Theresa Witwer, Freddie & Sharon Gipson and Sharon Jones!  It is great to see that with each contribution given, they each chose different perks to receive in return.  Their giving to me and for my business has not only added more fuel to the fire of my desire to work SweetSavours into a great small business it also put me in the position to make sure I have what is needed to launch the new products on Small Business Saturday, November 29, 2014.

Originally, I planned to make the debut at the Phoenix Public Market.  I won't guess why I haven't gotten a response to my application, but I will say I am thankful opportunities are always available.  A few day ago, I sat at my desk thinking about what to do about my business without a location to display my products.  My phone rang and on the line was a friend I hadn't spoken to in a while.  Kim was excited about her new business, Origami Owl Jewelry.  I won't say it's ironic, but Kim asked if I would like to join her in hosting an Open House on Small Business Saturday.  WOW!!! You know I didn't turn her down!

Kim Cordts and I will co-host our Small Business Saturday Open House on Saturday, November 29, 2014. This event will be at 1295 S San Vincente Ct., Chandler, AZ 85286 and will run from 11:30am until 3:00pm. When you come you will have opportunity to see what we have available, Kim's jewelry and my body care products.  Don't forget, Christmas is right around the corner so gift shopping is avialable! If you plan to come, please let me know. Kim and I will have light refreshments available for you to nibble on while you shop.  You may post here or via the contact methods available.  

Speaking of what will be available, I'll tell you a little.  By the time you read this post, the "savour" making process will be in full swing.  By next Friday, November 21st, I will have made 4 batches each of lotion and crème, hand care products, foot care products and lip savours too.  I'm sticking to SweetSavours roots and I've focused on products that contain ingredients that are known to heal, restore, moisturize and nourish the skin. There is a lot of work ahead but the big deal of Small Business Saturday is the goal I'm working toward.  Over the next few weeks, I'll share a little more about the products I'm making, the ingredients involved and even how they smell.

I'm excited about what's coming up and I hope you'll be excited with me.  Thanks for bloggin' by!  Have a "sweet" day and "savour" every moment!


Thursday, October 30, 2014

The SweetSavours Gogo Has Begun!


I've said it before, learning to make lotion let loose my “mad scientist” alter ego! I was finding healing solutions for those I care about, as well as for myself. A few years after noticing the remarkable difference in my skin, many of my friends and family began to buy my lotions. What began as the need to heal my damaged skin became a vision that has now transformed into SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary

My goal is for SweetSavours to make its public debut on national Small Business Saturday, November 29, 2014 at the Phoenix Public Market in Phoenix, AZ.  There, I will also launch the newly formulated products that include body, lip, hand, and foot care.  Maybe I'm a little biased but I do believe the “savours,” the products I make are in a league of their own.  The SweetSavours standard is – "love infused, need-formulated, small batch, handcrafted, natural body care products." 

As do all businesses, SweetSavours has had its economical ups and downs and last fall I thought about shutting the doors of my business.  I got the advice I needed to hear when I was told to remember why and how SweetSavours' began, raise my expectations of what SweetSavours can be, establish new goals and determine what I need to do to make my vision a reality.

I realized early on that I can’t do this by myself. I believe "It takes a village to build a strong small business." From the owners of a company to its customers, it takes a multitude of people to make a small business grow and survive. When I realized I couldn't build my business by myself, I was thankful to have the answer made known. 

Crowdfunding has been around for a while but came more into focus in 2012 when the JOBs Act was signed into law. It is the practice of  funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people, typically via the internet. This gives businesses, like SweetSavours, the freedom to ask its customers, friends and anyone who chooses, to contribute money to the business. The crowdfunding concept is NOT an investment opportunity. With every contribution a business receives, that business will give the contributor a "perk", or gift, in return.

The complete funding goal of the SweetSavours campaign is to raise $7,350 by November 30, 2014.  The funds raised will be used to purchase the ingredients and containers for the newly formulated products, increase social media and local publicity and help SweetSavours make its public debut on Small Business Saturday, November 29, 2014 at the Phoenix Public Market. I am asking for you to support SweetSavours and make a contribution that will help this business grow.

Your contribution will help make the vision of SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary become a REALITY! Time is key right now and response to the crowdfunding campaign has been slow. The fact is, in order to keep SweetSavours operating and make it's opening on the 29th, I need to have at least $750 more in contributions by November 8, 2014.  With this amount in contributions, I can begin to work on what needs to happen before November 29th. The reality for SweetSavours is, if this portion of the campaign goal isn't met, I will have to close my business.  This is something I'm not yet ready to accept.

I'm asking you to take a look at the SweetSavours crowdfunding campaign by clicking the link,  You will see the full SweetSavours' campaign, learn more about SweetSavours, see the variety of "perks" SweetSavours has made available to its contributors and learn more about Indiegogo and the crowdfunding concept.

When you support SweetSavours and make a contribution it's not only about the money. Your contribution is a "sweet" gift! You will also become a “Savours’Sweet" and a member of SweetSavours' village. You will receive the perk you've chosen and you'll also be included in "sweet" opportunities like testing new products when the time comes; receiving samples of new products or fragrances to help us make "sweet" decisions; the ability to purchase the new products before the general public and advanced notice of specials and discounts SweetSavours may offer it's "Sweets." If you aren't able to contribute, may I ask you to share the campaign link with people you know?   

I am still believing for contributions to be made and for SweetSavours to not only continue operating but also to grow.  I really don't want to give up now.  Thank you for taking the time, looking at the SweetSavours' campaign and making a decision. 

As always, thanks for bloggin' by. I hope your days are "sweet" and that you "savour" every moment.

Monday, October 20, 2014

A Dream CAN Become A Reality


This is a big week for "SweetSavours & Me" and thought I'd give you a glimpse into what's coming up.  I really do believe that with a steadfast mindset and hard work, a dream can become a reality.  With the mindset and working I think we also need to share our hearts and let the dream be made known and live outside of the walls of our minds. 

My body care making journey began with having to take care of my skin.  The vision of SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary, the business, developed from inspiration from my family and friends.  I knew I needed to better define the vision in my head and develop a good, focused picture.  I thought of the SweetSavours' business personality and the kinds of products that will be offered.

SweetSavours will continue to hand make natural body care products that have been formulated to meet the needs of the people who use them in small batches. I will continue to research the benefits and properties to keep the products that SweetSavours will offer, useful and cost effective. At their root, SweetSavours products are; "love infused, need formulated, handcrafted, small batch natural body care products. 

I began with formulating a lotion that would help heal my damaged skin.  From there I needed something that would help my skin retain its moisture.  I set my mind on the line of products I wanted to make. I researched the need to be met, and found that soothing damaged skin and moisturizing dry skin were the two issues most often mentioned.  I kept this in mind and got to work. I reformulated some and updated other formulas. SweetSavours will have a line of 10 products that will address body care, hand care and foot care needs.

I know that doing everything by myself would limit the success of what I do with my business.  I am thankful I have a group of people who help me.  This group of friends and SweetSavours' customers are the "Savours'Sweets."  They give me the boosts I need and offer suggestions for me to consider.  One example is that in preparation for the new products, I reached out to the "Sweets." I let them know that I will offer SweetSavours products that will be available fragranced or fragrance free.  I told them that I didn't want the responsibility of deciding what people smell like but I did want the fragrances to be unisex, male and female. As I said they are "sweet." It was the local group of the "Savours'Sweets" who collectively chose the fragrances for the upcoming SweetSavours' line of products.  This multitude of assistance was a great benefit.

You might remember that my goal is for SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary to make its public debut on Small Business Saturday, November 29, 2014 at the Phoenix Public Market in Phoenix, AZ.  Small Business Saturday is an American shopping holiday held on the Saturday after U.S. Thanksgiving during one of the busiest shopping periods of the year. It was first observed on November 27, 2010 and encourages holiday shoppers to patronize brick and mortar businesses that are small and local. Because this day is widely publicized and I will have some free publicity, SweetSavours will be able to take advantage of this opportunity, especially within the local market in Phoenix.

I chose Phoenix Public Market not only because it's local but also because of the atmosphere at that market. When I've been there before, I haven't seen any bitter competitions between vendors.  During my last visit I didn't see an abundance of body care providers either.  Comparatively, the Phoenix Public Market is more cost effective for SweetSavours and I believe this is a great market to begin with.

In a previous post, I mentioned that I funding is the big hurdle I have to cross with growing this business.  I admit that I did stress a little when I thought about what it will take to fund my vision. "It takes a village to raise a small business" isn't just a phrase, it's a statement of truth.  From the owners to the customers, it takes a multitude of people to make a small business grow and survive.  I really took the time to find sources of funding that will contribute to, not take away from, SweetSavours and its future. I will launch a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo.  I'd like give a little more information about this and clear up any confusion. 

Crowdfunding had been around for quite a while but came more into focus in 2012 with the JOBs Act being signed into law. It's the practice of  funding a project or venture by raising monetary contributions from a large number of people, typically via the internet. This gives businesses, like SweetSavours, the freedom to ask its customers, friends and anyone who chooses, to contribute money to the business. The company I have chosen to use is Indiegogo. Indiegogo approves donation-based fundraising campaigns for most anything — music, hobbyists, personal finance needs, charities and whatever else you could think of (except investment). They have had international growth because of their flexibility and broad approach. 

The crowdfunding concept is not an investment opportunity. With every contribution a business receives, that business will give the contributor a perk, or gift, in return. I've decided that with every contribution SweetSavours receives, the contributor will be given a "savour" in return.  On Wednesday, October 22, you can visit the site,  There you can learn more about the SweetSavours' campaign, see the variety of "perks" SweetSavours has made available to its contributors and learn more about Indiegogo and the crowdfunding concept.

Thanks so much for bloggin' along with SweetSavours & Me.  I hope I've appropriately shared my vision and dream with you. I hope you have a very "sweet" day.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

It's not just symantics


This subject has really pressed my brain this week so I thought I'd address it.  As I've said, I didn't plan to be in the business of making body care products.  But after I met my personal body care needs and was asked to make my products available to others, my first thoughts were to other people's safety and to my making the best products I could. I decided to take classes from a woman who was herself, professionally trained and certified to formulate and make body care products.

Currently my instructor consults with natural product making businesses and individuals on custom formulations and she also works with them in moving their businesses forward to the next level. She has given me a lot of additional training and support beyond the courses I've completed. This wonderful woman is also a certified aromatherapist and herbalist and I've completed several of her lessons. What I learned in her classes, from her literature and within our personal connection has given me the foundation for making the products I do. I am glad that during my classes and the other research I've done that I've learned and understood what certain words really mean.  I'd like to share them with you. 

Like myself, many people often refer to essential oils and fragrance oils interchangeably because of their similarities, but some important differences distinguish them from each other. What are the differences?

Essential oils are natural chemicals that are extracted from the leaves, flowers, stems, roots or bark of plants. They are not true oils, but are the aromatic and volatile essences obtained from botanicals. Volatile doesn't mean dangerous. With essential oils the molecules are so small they evaporate easily.  It is this distinction that makes them different from a fragrance or natural oil.  The molecules are so small they are skin permeable, absorbed through the skin or by inhalation. 

If you'd like to read more about Essential Oils, please click this link.

Fragrance oils, also called perfume oils, are usually man made, synthetic. Typically chemists analyze the plant's components and reproduce their chemical compositions. In the past, there have been ingredients used in making fragrance oils that have given various people negative effects.  Personally, some fragrances induce migraine headaches and make me severely nauseous. However, recently, many companies have begun offering "plant based" fragrance oils. 

Plant based fragrance oils are certified to be free of synthetic ingredients. In addition to pure natural essential oils and extracts these oils also contain naturally derived isolates and raw botanical ingredients. Because there are other natural additions made to the plant based fragrance oils, they are not 100% essential oils, the molecules structure is larger and should not be used as aromatherapy oils.

So we know better what the "aroma" oils are. What about the ingredients body care products are made of, the natural oils? Natural oils are also called fixed oils or carrier oils and they do not evaporate like essential oils. Each oil has different properties and will impart those properties into the body care products that are made.  This is where my research is focused when I am formulating a product.

The word "natural" in context of body care products has been broad stroked.  I learned "natural" to be and continue to see that term as: cosmetics and body care products that are made from raw materials sourced from nature, such as plants, minerals and from renewable natural sources. The raw materials go through the least amount of processing and the processing methods that cause the least impact to humans, animals and the earth. Natural cosmetics assist to beautify and promote radiant body, skin and hair. No petroleum ingredients are used. No animal testing is done.

I take my time when it comes to the products I make.  When I have a need to meet, like dry skin or someone who is dealing with eczema, I look at all the ingredients known to give relief in those areas.  I am not a doctor and my customers know that.  If I am asked, I willingly offer the source of the information I've used. When I make my products and sticking to the concept of minimal processing, I use the least amount I can.  Instead of using large, factory sized equipment, I use small, handheld instruments that don't over heat the ingredients.

SweetSavours' products are small batch, handcrafted natural body care products.  The key to everything I make begins with what's in my heart.  I want the people who use my products to get the best I can give them.  I don't want to offer a product the I won't use myself or that I'm not proud to offer. 

I hope I've given you a little more information to help you understand some of the terminology your hear about the products you purchase from SweetSavours or other places.  If you have any questions, you know I'll give you and answer.

As always, thanks for bloggin' by. I hope you have a very "sweet" day,


Friday, October 10, 2014

SweetSavours: Moving From Vision to Reality

Hiya!  I thought I'd share a little more of my heart and vision for my business, SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary.

I began my business with a vision and a heart that believed it was possible. I had an idea of what SweetSavours could be and for a few years I worked diligently at making the vision a reality.  However, as do all businesses, SweetSavours has had its economical ups and downs and last fall the roller coaster ride began to wear on me. I  began to consider shutting the business down but during a trip to Colorado, I got the advice I needed to hear.  I was told to remember why and how SweetSavours began, raise my expectations of what SweetSavours can be, establish new goals and determine what I need to do to make my vision a reality. 

I am so glad I took the advice! I remembered that what began as the need to heal my damaged skin has grown into SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary and a line of unique body products people have continually bought from me. I was energized in remembering all the good that's happened in the last few years. With a fresh mindset I reestablished my vision of SweetSavours and new goals have been set. BIG GOALS!  My goal is that SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary will make its public debut on November 29, 2014 at the Phoenix Public Market with a newly formulated line of body care products that include body, lip, hand, and foot care products. Reflecting back and moving forward, funding is the big thing that has been lacking. 

The issue of funding is a sensitive one for me. I am still receiving disability, and my funds are extremely limited. As I say I am labeled disabled but I am NOT unable. The truth is that operating a business on $75 a month is more than a strain, it's almost impossible. Also, applying for a loan isn't an opportunity for someone who is disabled and getting a loan would not allow SweetSavours to remain debt free. After a lot of research, the answer to this issue is "crowdfunding."  The use of crowdfunding was highlighted in 2012 when the JOBS Act was signed into law.  This law encourages funding of U.S. small businesses by easing various securities regulations. Basically, crowdfunding is the opportunity for small businesses like SweetSavours to utilize social media platforms and personal relationships to raise money in exchange for rewards or perks.  This is the source of funding I have chosen to utilize for SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary.

I will launch SweetSavours crowdfunding campaign on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, on Indiegogo.  Indiegogo provides the opportunity to raise funds for any kind of project like mine with no restrictions. I liked that Indiegogo offers support in starting the campaign.   Another benefit is that each month, Indiegogo has over 9 million visitors to its site!  This is an audience that may very well help SweetSavours meet its goal. That's also a great potential for contributors and new customers for SweetSavours.

My goal is to raise $7,350 by November 30, 2014.  The funds contributed will be used to purchase the ingredients and containers for the new regular line of SweetSavours products, increase social media and local publicity and pay the license and rental fees for the SweetSavours shop at the Phoenix Public Market.  The goal is $7,350 however; there is no limit on what SweetSavours can accept!  Funds contributed above the goal will be used to move SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary into 2015 with more new products, events in the local area and more marketing.

Making SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary's vision a reality will assist me professionally, personally and those that I help with my products.  I’m asking you to carefully consider what I've shared with you.  You will be able to watch the SweetSavours campaign video on the Indiegogo website at on October 22, 2014.  If you decide to help, you will get more that "thank you," you'll also receive a "savour" from me.  If you are not able to contribute, I won't ask why, I know it's your choice.  I know you will keep SweetSavours and Me in your thoughts. I appreciate whatever you can do. 

If you have any questions or have suggestions to share, please don't hesitate.  As always, please share what I've shared with you.

Thanks for bloggin' by! Have a sweet day,

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How do I make the “savours” sweet?

How do I make the “savours” sweet?

Last Saturday night I was in Wal-Mart and had a conversation with a friendly gentleman.  He was looking for hair care products for his daughter and asked for my opinion.  I told him I couldn’t give much advice about the hair care products but I could give advice about the body care products.  He asked what I knew about body care products. Ha! I told him I make body care products and as his eyebrows raised, he asked me questions about how I make them. The big question he wanted answered was what makes my SweetSavours products so different?

Now, I didn’t go to Wal-Mart intending to talk business but the opportunity presented itself. I told him a little about my skin care history and that I consider body care products as “outside-in” care, much the same as when we take vitamins and supplements its and call that “inside-out" care.  We think about our health and take vitamins and drink smoothies.  We also consider the food we eat; how it looks and smells and especially how it tastes.  These details help us make the choices of what we buy and use every day.  The  SweetSavours thinking is that we should take the same care and consideration when we buy the products that we put on our body’s largest organ, our skin.  Don’t you think about how your lotion feels or what it smells like?  Do you think about what it will do when you rub in onto your skin? Will it sooth irritated skin?  Will it soften or moisturize dry skin?

This man I was speaking with asked what was different about my products.  I explained that many companies that offer lotions and creams like the ones on the shelves in front of us. Only offer a product that is from one formula of lotion and then they add different fragrances and colors.  I told him that SweetSavours products begin with the intent to meet a specific need. I used SweetSavours' coconut oil, cocoa butter lotion as an example.  I told him that I needed to treat my extremely dry, scaly, damaged skin and I researched natural oils and butters whose properties and benefits offered cleansing, healing, soothing and moisturizing.  When I have chosen the ingredients I'm going to use, I take my time and check with the FDA and other resources for ingredients the may cause health issues.  I know that all ingredients are not the best to rub onto our skin.

The next question he asked was how I put the ingredients together to make a lotion.  I asked him to imagine baking a cake in the kitchen. With baking there are the dry ingredients and the wet ingredients.  I told him I have to put together a product formula the same way a cake recipe is made.  With lotion making there is the water phase and the oil phase and these two phases make the whole batch of lotion.  Like we do with baking, I put the formula together, heat it up and blend all the ingredients together.  When the formula is well combined, I allow the mixture to cool before I put it into the containers.  Once the container is cool enough, I each put the labels on them and call them "done."

He looked a little shocked and asked about the time it takes.  I told him that I love making my “savours” because I know the people who use them will be pleased. I explained that yes, it takes time and detail to make a great product and that dedication is at work when I make each SweetSavours' product.  I shared with him that I work by the SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary standard “love infused, small batch, handcrafted, natural body care products.”

I put my heart into every aspect of making a product. That is the infusion of love.  Just like with cooking, your food doesn’t taste as good if your heart isn’t “in” what you’re cooking.  Small batch handcrafted is just that.  I make each SweetSavours product in small batches.  Because I don’t use large production machines, making any product in a small batch of eight to nine containers gives me the opportunity to focus on the details of production.  The “natural” of the SweetSavours products is are the ingredients that I use to make the “savours.” I care about the people who use my products and I will not use an ingredient that may cause them harm.

When I research ingredients, I look for those that are list "as existing in nature" but I also use ingredients that don’t contain chemicals known or strongly suspected of causing cancer, mutation or birth defects. In keeping with the Food and Drug Administration's quidelines and following its good manufacturing processes each ingredient I use when I make a product is listed as GRAS (generally recognized as safe).  

These are the details that make SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary’s products different from what you might find on the shelves in a store.  I hope my care and love I have are evident in the products I make.  I do have samples of lotion available and I’m willing to put one in the mail to you. You just need to send me you address.  Send it to me via convo at my Etsy site.

I you have any questions or would like to share a comment, please don’t hesitate.   I'm looking forward to hearing from you.  It would also be great if you would share what you’ve read about SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary with your friends. Thank you!

I’ll be bloggin’ again soon. Have a “sweet” day!


Saturday, October 4, 2014

About SweetSavours the business

I'm often asked about where the idea of making lotion for a living came from?  I've admitted that I never thought about owning and operating a business, but after my skin began to heal with the help of the lotion I made, I thought making lotion for me and my family and friends would be a good thing.  I could give my handmade gifts and make a little money too.  That was the early thought but there was also something gnawing at me and saying I could do more.

I began to wonder about other products I could make and sell. I also knew I needed to learn to make products from a more technical approach.  I made inquiries to several different outlets.  I got a response from one instructor and she really challenged me to think about why I wanted to make lotion and what I would do with the products I would make.  I explained to her the amazing healing I got from the natural products I used and how that led to my consideration of starting a body care business.  I shared my heart with her, and I also explained that although I am considered “disabled,” it doesn’t mean that I am unable.  The response she gave me stopped the gnawing and lit the fire.  I knew her company’s courses were what I needed.

During the first session of the first course I took, my instructor gave us statistics about the body care industry that let me know that making lotion could be a very good business. To hear that this industry makes over $70 billion dollars a year worldwide blew my mind.  What really caught my attention was hearing that of this large number, less that $2 billion is made here at home in the USA.  Of that small amount, the number of businesses like the one I was thinking to start is substantially smaller. Hearing these statistics, learning the “how to,” getting certified and then putting my lessons into action only fueled the fire.  Making body care products became my passion.  Completion of courses 1 and 2 certified me as a Natural Body Care Maker.  I learned how to make over 21 different products and the vision of what I could do began to take shape.

What began as a need to heal my damaged skin transformed into SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary. The SweetSavours standard has always been “small batch, handcrafted, natural body care products” made by a debt free company. SweetSavours products are developed with the intent of meeting a skin care need.  Not only will SweetSavours make products people can use and benefit from, it will also be the means by which I support myself despite that label of “disabled.”  Now is the time to make my vision a reality and new goals have been set.

THE goal is that SweetSavours Natural body Care Apothecary will make its public debut at the Phoenix Public Market on November 29, 2014. With a new, full line of products that will include the new formulations for body, lip, hand and foot care products.  The big hurdle I have to cross now is that of funding.  How does a person on disability fund a new business?  Finding an answer to that question took a lot of research.  The answer is “crowdfunding.”

The use of crowdfunding was highlighted in 2012 when the JOBS Act was signed into law.  This law encourages funding of small, U.S. business like SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary by easing various securities regulations.  Basically, crowdfunding is the opportunity for small businesses like SweetSavours to utilize social media platforms and personal relationships to raise money in exchange for rewards or “perks.”  This is the funding source I have chosen to use to raise funds for SweetSavours and the "SweetSavours Gogo" campaign will being on the Indiegogo platform on Wednesday, October 22, 2014. The funds raised will be used to purchase the ingredients and containers for the new line of SweetSavours products; increase social media and local publicity; and pay the fees for the SweetSavours shop at the Phoenix Public Market.  The goal is set and I am ready to work and make my vision of operating a good natural body care business a reality.

In the new few weeks on the blog, I will share more information about SweetSavours and what’s coming up. In the next few days look for SweetSavours on FaceBook and Google+.  I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you with anything you might want share or questions you have. I really appreciate any support you may be willing and able to give SweetSavours and Me.  If you have friends who will be willing to blog along with us, please invite them to do so.

I’ll be bloggin’ again soon.  I hope you have a “sweet” day and that you “savour” every moment of it!


Friday, September 12, 2014

SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary and Me, Sherri

Hiya! Thanks for bloggin' along with "SweetSavours & Me"! I'm really excited to get things going and I'm thankful you've decided to join me.  Since this is the beginning of what I'm believing to be a fun and successful social media connection, I thought I'd give you a little "SweetSavours & Me" history. I'll start with answering the one question I'm often asked. "How did you or why did you begin to make lotion?"

The quick answer is "I had to." Quick yes, but not so simple.  It took some time and a lot effort to get to where I am. Growing up, most of my time was spent thinking about pointing my toes and rehearsing for an upcoming ballet performance.  I never thought I would be in a situation where I was fighting for my life and then having to bypass my doctor to find a solution for yet, another medical problem.  In 2006, I got extremely ill with Valley Fever and almost died. I was in and out of the hospital for about 18 months and my doctors worked hard to save my life. When I was finally discharged, I went home loaded with 17 extremely strong medications.  I survived the Valley Fever, but I was left with horribly damaged skin.

Have you ever had skin so dry it flaked from your body? Has it ever been so scaly and itchy that after scratching, you were left with bleeding skin? That was how the medications I had taken affected my skin,to the point of cracking, bleeding and flaking.  Of course my doctors tried to medicate that situation and when there was no relief with those attempts it was suggested that I take a more "natural" approach. Hum. That was a good idea but when simple Ivory soap didn't help and the $50+ price of store bought lotion was out of my budget, I thought I'd hit a wall.  I took some time, thought things out and  decided to learn to make my own remedies.

Melt & pour soap was the first step on my path to making body care products and the soap I made soothed the itchiness of my skin. Combining coconut oil and Shea butter in the soap I made was the inspiration for me wanting to learn to make lotion. When I used the lotion I made my skin really began to heal. My skin was moisturized and softened, the cracks healed and the dry flakes disappeared. Then I took the "big girl" step and earned my certification as a natural body care maker.  Not only did I learn how to make lotion and other products, I learned how to research the ingredients and develop the formulas for the other products I made.  The more I used what I made, the better my skin felt and looked.  When my friends and family members recognized the difference of my skin they started to use my products. Then they began to pay me for what they were getting.  This is when the idea of SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary began.  

My goal is to have my small business grow. SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary is a small shop where I formulate, hand make and sell good quality, cost conscious natural body care products.  This blog is one of the avenues I'll be using to get the SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary name out and into the social media arena. 

That's a bit of the SweetSavours' background. I've enjoyed sharing a little with you today and I will be sharing more.  I really am looking forward to hearing from YOU and having you blog along with "SweetSavours & Me!"

I hope you have a "sweet" day and that you "savour" each moment.