Thursday, November 20, 2014

Looking Back and Very Thankful!


I didn't really think things would slow down for me with November 29th and Small Business Saturday right around the corner and they haven't at all. Savour making is in full swing and good things are flowing in my home studio. Last night I sat and labeled tubes of lip balm.  As I labeled I also thought about all I have to be thankful for. My mind was really focused on what I'm thankful for with my business and so I'll share.

I am thankful that in addition to finding a way to help myself, I've also found a way to help others naturally address their skin care concerns.  Learning about the ingredients and what is available naturally, from our planet, blew my mind.  Making natural body care products opened the door to the opportunity of me having a business.  I'm thankful for that.  SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary is that, "sweet" and good things have come from it.  I am thankful for the people I've met and so many I now call friends.  It takes a lot for a person to open up to someone and talk about their skin care problems.  When I hear a person's need, it touches my heart and that person is no longer just someone who is giving me money for a bottle of lotion. 

I've become close with many of the people who by my products and I am so thankful for them supporting my business.  I am very thankful that support has been displayed BIG with contributions that have been made to the SweetSavours crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo (  Some of the contributions that were made were given to endorse a particular product in the SweetSavours body care line of products.  I have to give a HUGE thank you to Mr. & Mrs. Jim Birchard, "Sir Jim" and "BB!"  They were the first contributors and are the official supporters of the CoCo SkinSavours line of SweetSavours products!  THANK YOU "SIR JIM" AND "BB"!!!!!     

CoCo SkinSavours are the first line of products I ever made.  While I was recovering from Valley Fever, skin care became one of my priorities.  Medication didn't help with healing my skin so I researched for natural ingredients that might help.  My skin made a dramatic turn around with my almost obsessive use of Coconut oil.  I will say, "No, I am not a doctor and I don't play one on TV."  Most ingredients aren't even labeled by the government as having been proven to do one thing or another.  With that, when I check for the properties or benefits of an ingredient, I find that they are "known to" do one thing or another.  This is what I look for in researching the ingredients I use.  Since I began to make body care products, I've continued to research and with what I've learned, I've updated my products' formulas. 

Updating CoCo SkinSavours was exciting! This line includes the CocoSilk body lotion which is a rich, non greasy combination of Extra Virgin Coconut oil, Camellia oil and Mango butter.  The CoCo body crème is a more rich and still not greasy skin care cream made with Coconut Milk.  Then there is the Cocoa Co Butta.  This butter, is only natural oils and butters, no water at all. In addition to helping my aunts extremely dry skin, stay smooth and hydrated, she also uses this "Butta" in her hair.  Cocoa Butter and Coconut oil are known to be strengthening agents for the hair.  The ingredients in the CoCo SkinSavours line of products are known to heal and hydrate damaged, dry skin.  Other attributes are that these ingredients are vitamin rich and help keep skin soft and smooth. 

One trend in the body care industry has been the use of botanical extracts.  Think of an extract kind of like the vanilla used for baking a cake.  It is where the vanilla flavor is pulled from the vanilla bean.  In the body care industry botanical or herbal extracts are prepared by using alcohol or glycerin to pull the flowers', fruits' or herbs' active components from it. In the Coco SkinSavours line, some of the botanical extracts I used are Aloe, Comfrey and Bamboo.  These have benefits that are known to heal skin tissue, stimulate healthy new skin cells and help strengthen skin's elasticity.

As I said, this is just an update of the savours that I'm making. You have a great opportunity to come and sample, and then buy the "Savours" of your choice.  On Saturday, November 29, 2014, SweetSavours Natural Body Care Apothecary will celebrate national Small Business Saturday.  This is the day when we all can "ShopSmall," remember the roots our country has grown from and recognize the small businesses that still have a true and dynamic impact in our local communities.

SweetSavours will co-host a Small Business Saturday Open House with Origami Owl Jewelry Bar.  My friend, Kim Cordts has begun her jewelry business and is excited to show what it available.  The doors will open at 11:30am at 1295 S. San Vincente Ct. in Chandler, AZ, 85286.  This will be a great time to do a little holiday shopping and the doors will be open until 3pm.  If you'd like to preview before you join us, take a look at SweetSavours on Etsy at on Friday, November 28, 2014.  You can also take a look at what Kim will have available at Origami Owl Jewelry at  I'm looking forward to see those of you who can join us.  If you can't don't hesitate to place an order.  

As always, thanks for bloggin by!  I have you have a very "sweet" day!